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                (Name of Registrant as Specified In Its Charter) 
                    WESTERN RESOURCES, INC.
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The following information was sent to selected financial analysts and large
KCPL shareholders in the form of a Presentation Book on 8/10/96.

Cover Page

Western Resources

Page 1

August 12, 1996

                      Facts Not Fiction II
             Western Resources/KCPL Exchange Offer
Page 2


KCPL management continues to mislead its shareholders regarding issues that
have been settled:

     Fiction 1 -- KCPL claims significant rate reductions could adversely
impact Western's stock price and ability to deliver projected dividends

     Fiction 2 -- KCPL claims Western Resources' proposal is based on "faulty
synergies and savings retentions assumptions" and is not credible

     Fiction 3 -- KCPL claims the value of Western Resources' proposal will
be less than $31 per share

                    For the Record...

Page 3

For the Record: 

     Regulatory issues settled  
                                        (million of dollars)
                                  1998           1999           2000
Original Rate
Reduction Proposal               $23.4          $32.1          $40.8 

Original Proposed 
Increase to Depreciation           39             39             39

Merger-related KGE
Rate Reduction                     10             10             10 

Total                             72.4           81.1           89.8

Regulatory Settlement
Total                             64.7           64.7           64.7

Difference                      + $7.7        + $16.4        + $25.1

The regulatory package agreed to by the KCC staff, CURB, the City of Wichita,
and Western Resources, supports our previously reported projections of
post-merger earnings and our ability to pay projected dividends. 

Page 4

For the Record: 

Western Resources electric regulatory settlement in Kansas is comparable to
the regulatory settlement KCPL has agreed to in Missouri

                                                  KCPL            WR
                                                Missouri        Kansas 

Pre-Tax Earnings Impact as a
Percentage of Revenues                             6%             6%   

Rate Reduction / Depreciation
Increase (000's)                                $29,000         $64,700

Electric Revenues (000's)                      $511,723       $1,016,186  

The pre-tax earnings impact of the rate settlements for both Western Resources
and KCPL were approximately 6% of the respective state revenues. 

Source: Jurisdictional revenue amounts taken from the FERC
Form No. 1 for the year ending December 31, 1995.

Page 5

For the Record: Savings are credible

Comparison of Claimed Synergies in Recent Utility Mergers in Descending Order
by Estimated Cost Savings as a Percent of Pre-Tax Income

                                                                      As a Percent of
                                             Estimated Cost              Combined
                                           Savings Aggregate          Pre-Tax Income
                                         (millions of dollars):          Per Year:
PSI Resources / Cinn. G&E                         1,500                    34.4%
Wisconsin Energy / Northern States Power          2,000                    27.3%
IES / Interstate / WPL                              700                    27.0%
WR / KCPL                                         1,000                    22.6%
Washington Energy / Puget Sound P&L                 370                    22.3% 
Sierra Pacific Res. / Washington Water Power        450                    22.1%
Southwestern P.S. / P.S. Co. of Colorado            770                    21.6%
UCU / KCPL                                          600                    19.1%
KPL /KGE                                            140                    18.7%
Iowa-Illinois G&E / Midwest Resources               400                    18.5%
Gulf States / Entergy                             1,700                    18.4%
Potomac Electric / Baltimore G&E                  1,300                    17.5%
CIPSCO / Union Electric                             570                     9.0%
          AVERAGE                                                            21.4%
           MEDIAN                                                            21.7%
Our estimated cost savings are in line with both the average and the median of other recently announced merger transactions Source: KCPL publication "A Guide to the Merger" Page 6 For the Record: Summary The regulatory settlement agreed to with the Kansas Corporation Commission (KCC) staff supports our previously reported projections of post-merger earningsand our ability to pay projected dividends Savings projections for the WR/KCPL merger are consistent with other proposed merger transactions. The KCC staff also verified that projected savings for our 1992 merger with KGE are on target and will be shared 2/3 to the company and 1/3 to customers The $31 per share value of the WR offer is protected by a collar mechanism vs. the value of the UtiliCorp proposal which can fluctuate each day with the market Page 7 For the Record: Bottom line -- WR offers value: Western Western Resources' KCPL Resources' Offer[1] Premium Price $31.00 $23.875 [2] 30% Current indicated dividend per KCPL share $1.92 - $2.27 $1.62 19% - 40% Indicated dividend at closing per KCPL share $2.00 - $2.35 $1.85 [3] 8% - 27% [1] Subject to exchange ratio of 0.933 - 1.100 Western Resources shares for each KCPL share. Dividend at closing based on 1998 post-merger annual dividend rate of $2.14 per Western Resources' share as projected in Western Resources' exchange offer and the exchange ratio. Western Resources' current indicated annual dividend is $2.06 per share [2] KCPL closing share price on April 12, 1996, the last trading day before the public announcement of the initial Western Resources offer [3] Based on announcement by KCPL/UCU of intent to recommend an annual dividend rate of $1.85 per share following the close of the proposed combination of KCPL and UCU Page 8 This material contains opinions and beliefs of Western Resources, in addition to forecasts, projections, and other forward-looking statements that are based on unaudited forecasted financial data with respect to Western Resources' exchange offer. All such forward-looking statements are subject to the assumptions and variables described in the Western Resources prospectus, dated July 3, 1996, as it may be amended from time to time. Reference is made to the prospectus and proxy statement supplement, dated June 17, 1996 for complete information about Western Resources' offer. This presentation is neither an offer to exchange nor a solicitation of an offer to exchange shares of common stock of KCPL. Such offer is made solely by the Prospectus dated July 3, 1996, and the related Letter of Transmittal, and is not being made to, nor will tenders be accepted from or on behalf of, holders of shares of common stock of KCPL in any jurisdiction in which the making of such offer or the acceptance thereof would not be in compliance with the laws of such jurisdiction. In any jurisdictions where securities, blue sky or other laws require such offer to be made by a licensed broker or dealer, such offer shall be deemed to be made on behalf of Western Resources, Inc. by Salomon Brothers Inc or one or more registered brokers or dealers licensed under the laws of such jurisdiction. The following press release / employee update was issued on August 9, 1996: WESTERN RESOURCES PLEASED BY CITY OF WICHITA SUPPORT; BACKING COMPLEMENTS ISS RECENT ENDORSEMENT TOPEKA, Kansas, August 9, 1996 -- Western Resources said it was especially gratified that the City of Wichita today announced its support of the regulatory agreement reached by the Kansas Corporation Commission (KCC) staff, Citizens' Utility Ratepayers Board, and Western Resources late last month. The City of Wichita also said today that it was endorsing the Western Resources/KCPL merger. "We continue to move forward in a positive manner in putting together a merger with what we believe is better value for all concerned," said John E. Hayes, Jr., Western Resources chairman of the board and chief executive officer. "We are especially pleased that the City of Wichita concurs with recent developments that continue to give our offer strength and achievability." Hayes said the city's endorsement comes soon after the July 31st endorsement by Institutional Shareholder Services (ISS), one of the most widely followed independent organizations specializing in proxy analysis. "...Western's deal is superior," said ISS in its report. "(KCPL) shareholders are being asked to approve the KCPL/UCU transaction despite the fact that there is an offer on the table from a larger, financially stronger company (Western Resources) that is worth approximately 20 percent more." The report continued that "our recommendation is grounded in the belief that it is the duty of the (KCPL) board to maximize value for KCPL shareholders and to fairly consider all offers, including those that are unsolicited." Hayes said he continues to encourage KCPL shareholders to vote AGAINST the UtiliCorp proposal on the GOLD proxy card. Western Resources (NYSE:WR) is a diversified energy company. Its utilities, KPL and KGE, operating in Kansas and Oklahoma, provide natural gas service to approximately 650,000 customers and electric service to approximately 600,000 customers. Through its subsidiaries, Westar Energy, Westar Security, Westar Capital, and The Wing Group, energy-related products and services are developed and marketed in the continental U.S., and offshore. For more information about Western Resources and its operating companies, visit us on the Internet at This news release is neither an offer to exchange nor a solicitation of an offer to exchange shares of common stock of KCPL. Such offer is made solely by the Prospectus dated July 3, 1996, and the related Letter of Transmittal, and is not being made to, nor will tenders be accepted from or on behalf of, holders of shares of common stock of KCPL in any jurisdiction in which the making of such offer or the acceptance thereof would not be in compliance with the laws of such jurisdiction. In any jurisdictions where securities, blue sky or other laws require such offer to be made by a licensed broker or dealer, such offer shall be deemed to be made on behalf of Western Resources, Inc. by Salomon Brothers Inc or one or more registered brokers or dealers licensed under the laws of such jurisdiction